Join Us

Do you love facebook?
Do you enjoy interacting with young people?
Do you feel strongly about empowering young people?

then JOIN US

We are currently in the process of setting up a team of up to 30 young people across Delhi to lead this campaign.

We expect part time commitment from young people (during weekends and holidays only) from October 2010 to February 2011. The project will not just be an opportunity to lead an international campaign but also a platform to showcase their ideas and talent. Its an opportunity for you to articulate your voice and your ideas while gaining some incredible exposure and experience.

We will be publishing DVD of the films created during the campaign as well as widely circulating and marketing other outputs from the campaign. A dedicated website (being set up by UNDP) will showcase this campaign and six such campaigns being anchored across Asia.

Please fill this form to apply:

Application Form

Please Contact or send registration form to :
Kuber ; phone 9999004834 or
by 28th October or earlier ,